From this page you can find the IFF strategy, policies, plans, reports and minutes of the latest IFF General Assembly.


IFF Strategy for 2021-2032 Strengthening the Foundations (PDF) & Digital publishing platform Issuu

Strategy Management Summary_Half-Time Review_GA decision 2014

The IFF Strategical Vision 2009-2020

Annual and Financial Reports

IFF Annual Report 2015-2016

IFF Annual Report 2017-2018

IFF Annual Report 2019-2020

IFF Annual Report 2021-2022

IFF Financial Report 2016

IFF Financial Report 2017

IFF Financial Report 2018
Auditors Report 2018

IFF Financial Report 2019
Auditors Report 2019

IFF Financial Report 2020
Auditors Report 2020

IFF Financial Report 2021
Auditors Report 2021

IFF Financial Report 2022
Audit report 2022


IFF Budget 2021-2022
IFF Budget 2023-2024


IFF Allowances 2021

Policies & Guidelines

IFF Anti-Doping rules and guidelines

IFF Code of Ethics

IFF Conflict of Interest Policy

IFF Good Governance Policy

IFF Equality Policy

IFF Guidelines for the Conduct of the Athletes Entourage

IFF Discrimination Harrasment and Abuse Policy Statement

IFF Guidelines on Discrimination&Harrasment

IFF Media Guidelines for IFF Events –  filming

IFF Social Media Guide


IFF Plan of Action 2017-2018

IFF Plan of Action for 2019-2020

IFF Plan of Action 2021-2022

IFF Plan of Action 2023-2024

IFF Equality Action Plan

IFF License System 2.0


IFF Statutes Edition 2020
Valid from 11th December 2020

Proposed changes to GA 2020


IFF General Assembly 2018 minutes

IFF General Assembly 2020 minutes

IFF Extraordinary General Assembly 2021 minutes

IFF General Assembly 2022 minutes

IFF News
