Injury Assessment in Floorball

The IFF collects injury statistics from the major IFF events. This systeam was installed by the IFF medical committee in 2012 when a reporting template, the Injury Form Floorball (InFo), was installed.

The aim is to define injury risks not only by collecting important epidemiological information, but also by gaining direction for injury prevention and comparing injury statistics in floorball with other sports.

The injury data collection and the InFo form was for the first time used in the Champions Cup 2012 and in the WFC 2012 and has been used since then in all the Adult World Floorball Championships and the Champions Cups. Since 2018, the IFF has also collected injury data from the U19 World Floorball Championships.

The InFo -form can be downloaded from the IFF Forms.


Injury reporting system during IFF Events

In case of an injury during the Event the IFF injury form (InFo form) shall be filled in by team doctors and/or physiotherapists. The form needs to be filled in before a team is allowed to change a player due to injury.

The InFo Form is to be found from IFF web page under materials and forms. During the events the InFo Forms will be available on the match secretariat and IFF office.


First study on floorball injuries in international tournaments

The study “Injuries during the international floorball tournaments from 2012 to 2015” has been published in the BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. The main conclusions were that risk of injury during IFF tournaments was lower than in many other team sports at the highest level of play. The majority of the injuries occurred during games and had a sudden onset. Preventive actions should focus on acute ankle and knee injuries as well as head and face injuries.

You can read the whole study here.
