An INTERCONTINENTAL VISITOR TRANSFER and INTERMEDIATE STUDENT TRANSFER can be granted only during the official transfer period which is 1st of July until 15th of January. (Meaning, that the transfer can only start during the official transfer period.)


Intercontinental Visitor transfer

An intercontinental visitor transfer can be granted during the official transfer period for a player who wants to play in another club in another continent for maximum of 60 days. An intercontinental visitor transfer can be made valid for specific 60 days period based on the application of a player. The transfer fee for this transfer is 110 CHF. When the 60 days period is over the player automatically transfers back to the original club and no separate transfer is needed. Two intercontinental visitor transfers per player can be granted during the official transfer period.

Fill in the TRANSFER FORM and get all required approvals prior sending it to IFF.

NOTE! Approved and Finalized Transfers are listed HERE


Intermediate Student transfer

An intermediate student transfer can be granted during the official transfer period for a player, who is to study in a foreign country and who wants to play in club in this country. An intermediate student transfer can be made valid for a specific 60 days period based on the application of a player, including the written proof of her/his studies abroad. The transfer fee for this transfer is 55 CHF. When the 60 days period is over the player automatically transfers back to the original club and no separate transfer is needed. Intermediate Student transfer can be granted only once per transfer season.

Fill in the TRANSFER FORM and get all required approvals prior sending it to IFF.
Remember to include a written proof of the studies with the transfer form.

NOTE! Approved and Finalized Transfers are listed HERE


Payment instructions

Pay the Transfer Fee to the IFF account (please see the details below) and mark the Player´s name into to the info field on the payment!

Bank: Credit Suisse, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland
Account No: 0818-559200-11 SWIFT: CRESCHZZ80A IBAN: CH52 0483 5055 9200 1100 0
Use the address: International Floorball Federation, c/o Stefan Kratz, Kyrkogatan 41B, SE-79230 Mora, Sweden


NOTE! When the form has been signed by all 4 parties: Player, Giving and Receiving club + National Association, the form shall be sent in PDF format to IFF by e-mail: transfer(at)

IFF Champions Cup Finals