The floorball seasons in Estonia and Italy have now both come to an end with Sparta coming out dominant in Estonia and Viking Roma lifting the trophy in Italy.


Sparta Champions for both Men’s and Women’s categories!

Sparta are now 3 times in a row Estonian Champions on the Men’s side and 2 in a row on the Women’s side.

Like last season, the champions were decided in a best of 5 final series.

In women’s championships Sparta needed only 3 matches against Eesti Maaülikool to win the title, the scores in those 3 final playoff games being 8:4, 7:1, 4:1.

The final series in the men’s floorball championships was much more closer as Sparta team Automaailm managed to win over Jõgeva SK Tähe/Olivia in the fifth and final match, the scores in the games in the final series being 11:5, 6:7, 5:9, 8:5, 8:3 to Sparta.

Big congratulations to Sparta Floorball for their continued dominance in Estonian floorball!

Photos: Renee Kütisaar, ESHL


Viking Roma Italian champions for the fourth time

The final of the Italian Championships was played last Sunday in Ciampino, near Rome. The venue, which in 2012 hosted the Men’s U19 WFCQ, was fully crowded and the spectators created a great atmosphere. Italy’s top floorball league is mixed so Men and Women both play with and against one another. Viking Roma came out as victors and champions in a back and forth match.

The home team, Viking Roma, went through the regular season without defeats and won against Wild Boars Varese in the semifinal. On the other side SSV Diamante Bolzano from South Tirol, which has previously won the Italian Championship five times.

Viking Roma got a perfect start with Tommaso Rubeo scoring three goals in six minutes. The away team were stunned, but worked its way back into the match finding a goal at the end of the first period. SSV Diamante had difficulties in taking advantage of the many power play occasions as the Viking defended with great spirit. A great performance of the goalkeeper, Andrea Abbruciati, Viking Roma kept the lead 6 to 4 for the team in blue at the end of the second period.

The third period started with less opportunities as the home team tries to protect its lead. However, at six minutes before the end, SSV Diamante manages to score twice in one minute. For a moment Viking Roma is under chock, but then the team is energized by the crowd giving a strong support to the home team. With two minutes to go Federico Di Già found Tommaso Rubeo, who brought Roma back into the lead with a magnificent shot from 15 meters. Forty seconds later Viking Roma scored on the power play with a goal by Matteo Andreassi. The visitors played 6 against 4 without a goalkeeper at the end but the Viking defence held until the final whistle.

The teams were awarded by Giorgio Rambaldi and Dario Falchi, President and Vice President of the Italian Floorball Association, and Alberto Anglana, representative of the Italian Field Hockey Association, in which floorball is entering as Division Floorball.

Final result: Viking Roma – SSV Diamante Bolzano 8-6 (3-1, 3-3, 2-2)

MVP: Tommaso Rubeo (Viking Roma), Giorgio Picin (SSV Diamante Bolzano)

Photos: Cristina Rezzi

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