The deadline to send in videos for the first ever World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup (WVFFC) is approaching. All WVFFC video clips need to be sent to by 26th October 2020 at midnight CET.

– So far we have received videos from around 30 different countries and it is great to see that players of different ages participate, the youngest contestant currently is 10 years old. What we would love to see more is videos from girls and women as currently around 90 % are male participants, says IFF Communications & Anti-Doping Manager Merita Bruun.

The WVFFC is a competition where every floorballer can take part by showing their best tricks or skills within a certain time-limit. The competition is organised virtually and the winner will be crowned based on social media voting.

– We are also still missing videos from for example many countries in Asia and in South America. Luckily there’s still time for participants to work on their videos before the deadline, IFF Information Coordinator Mari Myllärinen adds.

The given rules for the competition have been quite flexible. The preferred format for videos is landscape, but it is not mandatory. There has also been questions if pairs and groups can take part, and that is allowed, but the input is then considered as one participant. The participants are still required to stick to the time limit of 15-30 seconds.

Have a look at a summary clip of videos received so far:

World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup Rules

  • Participants:
    • Anyone can participate from anywhere in the world (no age limit)
    • Participants to send in: video clip + full name, country, age
    • Only one (1) video per participant is allowed
  • Format:
    • Video (landscape format)
    • Time: 15-30 seconds
    • Music (royalty free) or without music
    • To be sent to  by deadline (26th October 2020 at midnight CET)
  • Timeline:
    • Videos can be sent in 12th – 26th October 2020 (at midnight CET)
    • IFF will announce the (final round) contestants and publish the videos on IFF Facebook & Instagram on 2nd November
    • IFF Facebook & Instagram voting will take place 2nd – 11th November (at midnight CET)
    • IFF will announce the 1st World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup champion on 12th November
  • Competition/Voting platforms:
    • Winner is decided via social media voting on IFF Facebook & IFF Instagram
      • Video with most combined likes on Instagram and FB wins
    • Depending on the amount of participants there can first be a preliminary round to decide the finalists that proceed to social media voting
  • Other:
    • Event hashtag: #FreestyleFloorballCup
    • IFF owns the right to all material that can be published and used for further floorball promotion
    • Top contestants will be interviewed and promoted on the IFF channels
    • Note: *FB does not participate in this competition

For more information, please visit the World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup 2020 page!

News IFF News Freestyle Floorball Cup floorball Floorball News IFF News FreestyleFloorballCup World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup
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