Based on the 2019 statistics the number of licensed floorball players was close to 377,000 in the end of 2019. The total number of floorball players from 2018 to 2019  increased by 4.24 percent when 376,995 players worldwide participate in organised floorball activity (has a license). The IFF also received four new members during 2019 when Central African Republic, Kiribati, Kuwait and Togo joined the IFF family.

As expected, Sweden tops the statistics with a total of 115,967 registered floorball players. They lead in all the other categories surveyed too, the number of floorball clubs: 874, and the number of recreational players: 400,000. Finland saw a 7.23 percentage growth in their total number of registered floorball players. Of Finland’s 65,803 players, 34,567 are under the age of 19.


The biggest growth in the total number of registered players among the top 10 nations was noticed in Denmark, by 15,43 percent. Currently Denmark with 10,090 players strengthen their 6th position in the member associations’ ranking. Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany and Slovakia are showing no signs of slowing down as each of these countries have grown.

IFF Member Association growth 

Central African Republic, Togo, Kuwait and Kiribati have joined floorball map in 2019, now the IFF consists of 74 Member Associations (44 ordinary and 30 provisional members).

Women’s floorball 

There are still more male players than female players in the world, according to the 2019 data, women’s floorball is growing all over the world. There are now nearly 76 000 women playing floorball across the world. In 2009 there were just over 55,500. That’s a growth of 35.03 percent in ten years. One nation in the world has more female (268) players than male (251) players: South Korea. The most significant rate of growth in women’s floorball over the past ten years has taken place in Japan, from 78 in 2009 to 978 in 2019.

When looking at these numbers it’s important to remember that they only reflect those players who have registered and have a player’s license. There are a lot more women and men — in all age groups — playing floorball in all over the world.

Interesting Facts

  • Finland and Sweden have played head-to-head in almost every single gold medal game in Women’s World Floorball Championship history, and that’s not surprising. Combined, the two nations have 44,399 female players. The rest of the world combined? 30 634.
  • Finland, Sweden and Switzerland have more registered floorball players than ice hockey players.
  • Should the Finns be worried? Only 5,484 of their 65,806 players are female under the age of 19, a percentage lowest among leading floorball nations.
  • Brazil, Indonesia, Israel have both female and male players but none of those nations have yet participated in IFF Events.

More data on the Member’s statistics can be found here.

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