In Denmark the Select Floorball Leagues started on September 12th and for this season Floorball Denmark has signed an agreement with Sport Live. The IFF CB member and newly elected President of Floorball Denmark, Steen Houman, shares some updates from the Danish Leagues.

How have the preparations for the new season been in Denmark? 

– The preparation of the upcoming season has of course been different due to covid-19. The uncertainty regarding if we could play games or not, and on what level we can have spectators at the games has been in our minds. For now it looks like we are able to play without too many restrictions. Though in certain parts of Denmark there are strict restrictions, which we have to follow, and those restrictions change from week to week.

Highlights for the new season?

For this season, Floorball Denmark has signed an agreement with Sport Live. Sport Live will broadcast some of the matches from the Men’s League. Sport Live can be seen at around 2 million in Denmark (35%), so its an important step to promote the sport.

– We have also introduced a new tournament system, which will make it possible to have electronic match reports and everything you need to know in a smart app that will be introduced soon. Then it will be possible to follow our matches online, in the same way as IFF international matches. We are aware there will be some challenge with the introduction, but it’s a wish there has been for many years, so when the season ends, it will hopefully be fully implemented.

Winner favourites in the top leagues?

– In the Women’s League, there are three teams who are the favourites to win the title. Copenhagen FC, Frederikshavn Blackhawks, and AaB Floorball are those with ambitions for GOLD. The league is divided into a an East and West league, where the top teams will qualify for the play-offs.

– In the Men’s League, four teams are likely to win the title: Benløse FC, Frederikshavn Blackhawks, Hvidovre Attack and Sunds Seahaks are the teams who will fight for a place in the final.

Photo: Thomas Krogh Photography


Interesting transfers, player news or other facts?

– The most interesting transfers have actually gone from Denmark to Sweden. Its important for the development of our best players that they are capable to play at the SSL league in Sweden. More and more clubs are doing better work with there talent development, and in the years to come, there will be more young and hungry players coming. 

Source & more information: Floorball Denmark &

The IFF has asked all top 10 countries to provide a 2020-21 season preview of their top leagues. More season previews will be published on the IFF website soon. If you want your floorball league or development stories to be featured on the IFF channels you can send your story to media(at)!

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