The IFF is collecting feedback for the IFF Strategy 2021 – 2032 draft proposal: IFF Strategy – Strengthening the Foundations. Now it is the last chance for stakeholders to participate and fill out the questionnaire. 

The IFF is collecting feedback from all stakeholders, especially about the Targets and Key Performance Indicators defined in the draft version of the IFF Strategy. The IFF invites all interested parties to rank the Targets and KPI’s based on importance via the Webropol questionnaire here!

The IFF draft proposal for the IFF Strategy – Strengthening the Foundations can be downloaded here. More general comments on the strategy, can be sent by e-mail to the IFF Secretary General John Liljelund ( The IFF will collect the strategy feedback during May and June.

The aim with the strategy process is to create a more operational strategy for the period 2021 – 2032. The focus is on setting the future direction for the IFF and to specify the main objectives in order to grow and develop the sport on the local, national and international level.

The IFF Strategy Task Force prepared the proposal for the IFF Strategy, which the IFF Central Board (CB) approved in its meeting on April 23rd. The IFF ExCo acts as a Steering Group for the process keeping it on track. The Task Force will make two preliminary submissions to the floorball community, with the first version sent out in April-May 2020 and the second in August in 2020. The IFF CB will then prepare the final version of the IFF Strategy for the IFF General Assembly by the end of September 2020.

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