The IFF looks for organisers to host the World Floorball Championships 2023 and 2024 as well as U19 World Floorball Championships 2023 and 2024.

The IFF looks for organisers to host the World Floorball Championships 2023 and 2024 as follows:

  • Women’s WFC 2023 – to be played in the period 01-11.12.2023
  • Men’s WFC 2024 – to be played in the period 06-15.12.2024

When it regards the WFCs from 2023 there are ongoing discussions of the possibility of playing with 20 teams with a final decision expected in the General Assembly 2020. Please indicate in your application if you are ready to organise the event with 20 teams.

IFF further looks for organisers to host the U19 World Floorball Championships 2023 and 2024 as follows:

  • Men’s 12th U19 WFC 2023 – to be played in the week 01-07.05.2023
  • Women’s 11th U19 WFC 2024 – to be played in the week 29.04-05.05.2024

The list of IFF events, both with organisers and where organisers are needed is published at under IFF Events / Events & Organisers.

Organisers Regulations and Competition Regulations are found at under Rules & Regulations.

The interest to organise an IFF event shall be the IFF by hand latest 29.02.2020, to e-mail

The bidding process among those interested will start after 29.02.2020.

News IFF News World Floorball Championships floorball World Floorball Championships
Men's WFC 2024....