Indonesian Floorball Association (IFA), as the official organization for all Floorball activities in Indonesia, has been officially recognized at Indonesia National Olympics Committee´s (KOI’s) Annual Meeting 2017 on Friday, 10th of February as a full-time member.

Pic 1 – All Indonesian Sports Officials at KOI’s Annual Meeting 2017 – Feb 10, 2017

Continuing on the spirit of developing Floorball since November 2012, a lot has been accomplished by Indonesian Floorball Association throughout its 3,5-year journey. This recognition at KOI Annual Meeting is one of the pinnacles in establishing Floorball as a formal sport in Indonesia.

In order to be recognized by National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI), IFA had to go through a demanding process. There are a lot of criterias (proper governance, support from regional offices, tournament/activity track records, etc.) that IFA had to meet before it could be officially inducted by KONI.

Pic 2 – Indonesian Floorball Association (IFA) Officials

At KOI’s Annual Meeting, Mr. Erick Thohir as the President of KOI, iterated that it is very important to develop any sports and recognized Floorball as one of the sport disciplines that is doing so. Mr. Thohir had met Mr. Tomas Eriksson, President of IFF during the Rio Olympics and they had also discussed about the matter.

The Secretary General of IFA, Raymond Adam N. feels confident about the upcoming development of Floorball in Indonesia:
IFA will continuously develop Floorball in Indonesia and work closely with relevant stakeholders at domestic level. IFA will also work side by side with Asia Oceanic Floorball Confederation (AOFC) and International Floorball Federation (IFF) in order to develop the sport more, particularly in South East Asia. Especially with big event such as Asian Games coming up, we certainly hope to be able to include Floorball in 2018 Asian Games Jakarta-Palembang. Go Floorball GO!

Pic 3 – President of KOI, Mr Erick Thohir along with President of IFA, Prof. Dr. Toho Cholik Mutohir, MA, Ph.D

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