The Australian Floorball Association is very pleased to announce that after a lengthy review process upon our submission in 2014, the association has been granted recognition by the Australian Sports Commission to 2018.

Mr. Jason Cowland, the President of Floorball Australia, comments the good news:

Upon receiving the confirmation letter I travelled to Canberra to talk through our obligations and detail the progress we have made with focus on Power Play 2024 and membership growth. After the review meeting I presented the Floorball Australia flag on behalf of our entire community to Tamarah Knox (pictured) who went on to comment in her reposes email: “Floorball Australia is doing some great work, you have made some great changes and are on the way to making more developments in the sport of Floorball”.

The President wants to thank everyone involved;

– Thanks to everyone for all the effort and I will detail further with the FA Executive in the annual report and at the AGM in July on the Gold Coast. We have made great progress but still have lots to achieve.

Pictured: FA President Jason Cowland and ASC Participation Advisor Tamarah Knox

Australia Floorball News
IFF Champions Cup Finals