The referee communication equipment provider Spintso will equip the IFF referees for the 2024 World Floorball Championships (WFC). This means that from December 7th to 15th, 2024, in Malmö, referees will be using top-of-the-line technical kits to stay connected during every game.

During the tournament seven referee pairs will be officiating 48 matches over nine tournament days underlining the importance of high-quality gadgets.

– When we are organising World Floorball Championships the circumstances need to be state-of-the-art. Reliable communication between referees during a match is essential. During a championships final there are over 10.000 spectators cheering in the stands, which creates high requirements for the equipment. We are convinced that the Spintso Refcom II unit fulfils these requirements, Veli Halonen, IFF’s Operations Manager, shared his thoughts.

– We’re really looking forward to the World Floorball Championships and meeting referees from all over the world. This is hopefully the beginning of a partnership with IFF, and we’re excited to connect with more referees. Our goal? To help referees focus on the game, not get bogged down by different systems or losing valuable time with setup issues. Our Refcom II system is designed for quick setup and reliable performance, with features like crystal-clear audio to make life easier for referees, Nicklas Östh, Spintso’s CEO, continues.



IFF News Men's WFC 2024 Partnerships and Sponsors Referees WFC2024 IFF referees Spintso referee equipment referee communication equipment Refcom
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