The 3v3 World Floorball Championships will be played for the first-time 11th-12th of May 2024 during the Women’s U19 World Floorball Championships 2024 in Lahti. Today the official logo for this new format has been revealed. The logo was created together with EOS Media.

3v3 is played in a 22x11m rink and each team may include up to 10 players (8 field players + 2 goalkeepers) plus 2 team officials. Playing time is 2×10 minutes. The 3v3 WFC will be played according to the IFF 3v3 WFC 2024 Rules of the Game.



Right from the start there was the feeling that this format deserves a brand of its own. The logo obviously plays with the official event name in a graphic manner. The number three naturally has three cusps suggesting three players facing each other on the playing field, just like the numbers face each other in the logo. Actually, the logo in its entirety resembles the outlines of a floorball rink, explains Tero Kalsta from the IFF about the creative process.

The three against three format is a very common recreational form of floorball (without goalies on small goals) around the world. However, in Switzerland this has been an official part of Swiss organised floorball for over 35 years.

– This new championship has been in the making for a long time. We are very excited to see how this picks-up and develops. From the Finns and the Swiss we have good evidence that this is a working and popular game format of floorball. This also opens new possibilities for the sport to evolve and grow as we have seen with the popular 3X3 basketball format, Mr John Liljelund, IFF Secretary General elaborates.

The IFF is pleased with the registration response from the National Associations. A full list of the registered teams and information on the playing groups will be published on the IFF and event page next week. 


Instructions about logo use:

The logo is only to be used in black or white. The 3v3 logo is primarily to be used in black (both with the IFF emblem and individually). The secondary format is white if used on dark background. The 3v3 logo can also be used individually and then the quiet areas should be considered. No changes are allowed to the logo. The use for commercial purposes is prohibited.



News IFF News Women's U19 WFC 2024 3v3 World Floorball Championships 3v3 WFC 3v3 WFC 2024 3v3
Men's U19 WFC 2025