Together with Swedish lottery organization Folkspel, the Swedish Floorball Federation presents a new way for clubs in Sweden to earn revenue through the new lottery ticket Sverigelotten, a World Floorball Championship 2024 -special.

The sale of this new product starts April 1st 2024.

– When we started discussing a partnership between the Swedish Floorball Federation and Folkspel it was important that this would lead to something that would benefit the floorball clubs, says Stefan Jonasson, Marketing and Event Manager at the Swedish Floorball Federation.

– For us at Folkspel this will be a unique pilot project as we have never worked with a lottery ticket directly connected and customised for a championship. In the future it may hopefully be suitable also for other sports and events. It should be pointed out that this would not have been possible to implement without the great commitment coming from floorball, says Carina Olofsson, responsible for Folkspels collaborations with associations and organizations.

Magnus Nilsson, Event Director for WFC 2024, sees the new launch positively.

– A championship is not only about the matches and who ultimately wins the gold, but it must also contribute to the development of the sport in both the short and long term. Therefore, it feels extra good that the championships can now contribute with a tool that can generate income for the clubs within Swedish Floorball, says Magnus Nilsson.



News Sweden Floorball News Men's WFC 2024 floorball WFC2024 thefloorisyours SIBF Sverigelotten Folkspel
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