The International Floorball Federation (IFF) General Assembly decided during the World Championships in Zurich 2022 that in order to develop Floorball there is a need to start an international project, to bring Floorball to a new level in the future. The project has been named Future of Floorball and the idea is to clarify in which way the international top level of Floorball should be changed, if such a change is needed.
The aim of this project is to clarify within the Floorball community and its stakeholders what possible changes there are needed to make Floorball grow, become bigger, raise awareness and more attractive for spectators. The objective is to include as many as possible Floorball stakeholders’ views and this questionnaire is aimed to gather information and understanding of what the National Associations and all persons involved in the IFF activities think needs to be changed to make our sport even better and more interesting. The answers of this questionnaire will be analysed and the result of this and collection of other studies will be the basis for the discussions at the IFF Association meeting in connection to the IFF Women’s WFC in Singapore in December 2023.
Please answer the questionnaire no later than by the 30.04.2023
The survey can be found in different languages from the following links:
We look forward to receiving your views of how to make Floorball much more interesting and help the sport to grow!