The IFF Central Board has confirmed the IFF competition office proposal regarding the WFC European Qualification for WFC 2022 in February 2022: EUR 1 in Latvia shall be postponed to be played 24-28.5 and that EUR 2 in Poland (3-6.2) and EUR 3 in Italy (2-5.2) shall be played according to the originally planned dates.

The Go/NoGo dates for teams and organisers of the WFCQ 2022 has now passed, and the IFF competition office has been in contact with the Local Organiser Committees (LOC) and the participating National Associations. The LOCs in Italy and Poland have stated that they are ready to proceed with the original dates with neither being able to secure the venues for any later dates. For Poland all teams have replied that they are ready to go on planned dates. For Italy seven out of eight teams replied that they are ready to go, while one team had indicated they would prefer a postponement.

In Latvia the situation is a bit different with more restrictions than in the other WFCQs, including the need to arrive early to isolate while waiting for results of compulsory arrival PCR tests, not being able to use any local restaurants or public transport, and having a mandatory departure PCR. Due to the strict conditions, several teams have doubts about their participation. Two teams have said they cannot participate under these conditions and would like a postponement, one team has said Yes but also prefers a postponement, and one team has said Yes but would prefer that the event is cancelled and the teams to qualify should be decided by ranking. The Latvian LOC has prepared a postponement date of 24th – 28th May and are ready to organise at these dates, hoping that it will be possible for all teams to participate.

The IFF CB wants to give the LOCs and teams time to prepare and adjust with this decision.

— Restrictions in many countries are tightening and we understand the situation for some is very difficult. We are glad for the possibility of the postponement in Latvia and appreciate the commitment of the organisers and teams in the other qualifications to go ahead as planned, says Sarah Mitchell, IFF Event Manager.

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