The referees for two World Floorball Championship events have been announced. Three female referee pairs have been selected for the competitions. The referees will represent five different countries. 

The IFF Referee Committee has appointed seven referee pairs to officiate the Women’s World Floorball Championships taking place between 25th of November and 5th of December in the city of Uppsala, Sweden. Their work will be overseen by the Head of Referees, Nihada Cenanovic from Sweden and three Referee Observers: Radek Hora from Czech Republic, Marjo Alanko from Finland and Inge Haug from Norway.

Challenge for the nomination of course was that the referees as well as the players have not been refereeing or playing many international matches during the last 18 months, but I’m sure that the nominated referees are the ones, which are able to handle all the games in both WFCs, says Mr. Carlos Lopez, the chair of the IFF Referee Committee.

The most important thing however is that we will be able to revert to international events after the global Covid-19 situation even though there still are challenges, he concludes

Referees for Women’s WFC in Uppsala:

Tomas Kostinek & Martin Reichelt  Czech Republic
Tom Kirjonen & Jyrki Sirkka  Finland
Timo Järvi & Pertti Kirsilä  Finland
Carmen Teo & Binbin Lin  Singapore
Mona Franzon & Josefine Hedelind  Sweden
Jörgen Andersson & Olle Eliasson  Sweden
Christian Crivelli & Davide Rampoldi  Switzerland

Seven following pairs have been selected for the Men’s World Floorball Championships between 3rd and 11th December in Helsinki, Finland. Their work will be overseen by the Head of Referees, Tony Holmer from Sweden and three Referee Observers: Petr Seda from Czech Republic, Sami Rahikainen from Finland and Frank Leuenberger from Switzerland.

Referees for Men’s WFC in Helsinki:

Jakub Furmanek & Vlastimil Solc  Czech Repbulic
Henri Heinola & Manu Marttinen  Finland
Thomas Ellis & Janne Sjögren  Finland 
Sharil Ismail & Oswind Rosayro  Singapore
Thomas Andersson & Rickard Wissman  Sweden
Glenn Boström & Håkan Söderman  Sweden
Corina Wehinger & Sandra Zurbuchen  Switzerland

The referee presentation will be published before the WFC events.

News Men's WFC 2020 Women's WFC 2021 Referee news IFF Referees floorball referee referee
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