The Rules Reference group held a Teams meeting on 27th of April where the feedback from the rule’s tests conducted by the IFF Member Associations were discussed. The Rules Reference group also decided to move forward with the tested rules, and will propose the new rules to the IFF Central Board (CB).

The final decision of implementing new rules will be made by the IFF CB in September 2021.

The test rules were:

  1. Allow a player to intentionally kick the ball more than once (Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland and Switzerland)
  2. Free hit as beginning of power play after delayed penalty (Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway)
  3. Replace the 5-minute bench penalty with a 2+2-minute bench penalty (Sweden and Switzerland) and
  4. Install the possibilities for 2+2 minutes bench penalty for high stick (Finland).

All test Associations were positive to implement the tested rules and the Rules Reference group decided accordingly to implement these in the game rules where test rule No.4 will be incorporated into the replaced 5-minute bench penalty (test 3).

In addition a new terminology to rank physical offences more accurate was discussed. The words, from mildest to worst, Careless – Reckless – Violent – Brutal, will be implemented and could also be used as a common ground in the “Physical play project” headed by the IFF Rules Committee. The new terminology will, among other expressions used in the rules, be part of a glossary which will be included in Edition 2022.

Martin Klabere, Chair of the Rules Reference group, is satisfied with the work done so far:

— The next step with the Edition 2022 is asking for feedback from member associations, IFF Referee Committee (RC), IFF Rules and Competition Committee (RACC), IFF Office and the IFF Athletes’ Commission on the final proposal which is expected to be sent midst of May, Mr. Klabere informs.

The deadline for the feedback is 30th of June whereafter the final version is prepared for the RACC for their last check before proposing it to the IFF Central Board. The decision of the IFF CB is scheduled for the September meeting.

Visit the IFF Rule change process page for more information!

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