Just recently the IFF published the results of the fan survey on environmental topics.  In the spirit of the inspiring results we challenge the floorball community to take a test and evaluate how well they are informed. The climate quiz is built and run by myclimate, the IFF environmental sustainability partner.  

It is commonplace that CO2 is used as measure to quantify how much certain products or services emit to the atmosphere hence contributing to climate change. The quiz has been designed to help consumers to put in proportion how much emissions areas such as food production, daily used domestics services (e.g. electricity, mobile phone, laptop) or mobility produce.  Further, there are questions whereby the respondents are asked to rank emission sources based on their knowledge or feeling.

You can take the quiz here!

If you want you can also copy your quiz result and post it on your Instagram Stories. Remember to tag iff_floorball so your results can be shared to the floorball community.

If the quiz sparked your hunger for more info there is lots available on the myclimate website. You can start with the myclimate climate booklet. It is a collection of data and information on the issues of sustainability and climate protection in compact form. Find out more about the topic of climate protection and try to find out where you can achieve the greatest savings, be it in your personal or professional life. Download it conveniently as a PDF!

We also offer access to two compensation calculators. The flight compensation calculator quantifies the direct and indirect CO₂-​equivalent emissions per passenger for a given flight distance. The car compensation calculator determines the volume of CO2 emissions arising from your car journeys. Both calculators quantify carbon footprint of your travel as well as the amount that is required for carbon offsetting. Would you decide to pay the emissions are offset in high-quality myclimate climate protection projects throughout the world that fulfill the highest standards (CDM, Gold Standard, Plan Vivo).

myclimate is a partner for effective climate protection – both locally and globally. The Swiss Non-Profit Organisation wants to shape the future together with its partners through consultation, education and carbon offset projects. myclimate pursues this as a science-based and business-orientated non-profit organisation. More on: www.myclimate.org!

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