Sherlock Ma took the second place in the World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup U16 category and now you will learn more about this young floorball talent from Hong Kong, who first learned about floorball when visiting Finland.

You received a lot of support in the first ever World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup, how did that feel?

– When I first heard of this contest, I felt excited and confident to enter it although my “zorro” age is less than one year. And I felt unbelievable for such a huge number of support to me and thanks for voters’ great encouragement. 

Floorball is not yet that known in Hong Kong, how did you get to know the sport?

– My first encounter with floorball was in June 2018. I went to Finland for an educational trip under the leadership of my school Principal Wong Shuk Fan from Holy Cross Lutheran School. In the following academic year, Principal Wong introduced floorball to the school and I was selected to join the school’s floorball team. 

You are very young, but still amazingly talented, how much do you practise technical tricks and how come you started doing different freestyle moves?

– I am 10 years old just before the contest and, indeed, my zorro age is less than 1 year. I love floorball very much. I searched for floorball videos online and discovered zorro moves played by internet celebrities. I was absolutely fascinated by the zorro moves and wanted to learn how to zorro. When I went to Finland for the second time to participate in the inter-school floorball competition and floorball training by U16 Finland national team coach, I asked my father to buy me a zorro stick for practice.

Sherlock Ma has practised a lot of floorball tricks during the pandemic:

– During the 2020 COVID-19, I always stayed at home. I made use of the spare time to study different zorro moves from different floorballers and hockey players through YouTube and practise zorro moves for several hours every day. My father and I used floorball to create a virus model of the novel Coronavirus, combined this model with those zorro moves that I learnt from online, got them filmed and published on the social media. We hoped to spread a positive message in this video during the COVID-19 virus outbreak: Everyone should not give up and we must work together to fight the epidemic. We would also like to extend our heartfelt respect to the medical staff and at the same time promote the sport locally and overseas. I always treat zorro as a fun myself. So, I never stopped practicing zorro and also stick handling skills every day at home. I also created some new moves and put them in my entry video. I tried to do different tricks as many as I could in my entry video and, at last, I had chosen 15 tricks/moves within 30-second limit. I hope you all appreciate what I did in my video. 

What did you think about this new Freestyle Floorball event concept? Would you like to participate in this kind of events in the future as well?

– It is absolutely a great surprise to me and, I guess, to all zorro players too. I never thought before that there would be such kind of a Freestyle Floorball contest, especially held by IFF. How miraculous it was that my fun from playing zorro let me become the contestant in this contest. 

Would you like to send some regards to the floorball fans who voted for you in the World Virtual Freestyle Floorball Cup?

– I was honored to represent Hong Kong to participate in this world-class contest and compete with 69 contestants around the world. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all voters, champions, Hong Kong Floorball Federation and Principal Wong and all teachers from Holy Cross Lutheran School for all your support, help and encouragement. Special thanks to Chinese supporters who could not reach Facebook and Instagram to vote for me. I will continue to work hard, to further strengthen my moves and techniques, and hopes to bring even better results to everyone in the future.

– You are all welcome to visit my channels in YouTube (@Sherlock Ma) and Instagram (@sherlock.floorballer ) for watching my clips. 


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