The second submission of the IFF Strategy 2021-2032 “Strengthening the Foundations” has  been sent to the IFF Central Board and the IFF Member Associations for the second commentary round. All IFF stakeholders are welcome to provide feedback on the second submission!

The IFF Strategy Task Force (STF) has continued the strategy work after that the fifth STF meeting held over Teams on the 24th of August. IFF has received feedback from around 35 different stakeholders to the first submission of the IFF Strategy 2021-2032. In addition, the STF has also conducted an online survey of the importance Targets and the KPI’s and the Targets in the current version of the Strategy have been ranked and organised based on this survey feedback.

– At this stage we would like to thank all our partners and stakeholders for taking the time to provide us with their valuable input. The Strategy Task Force has gone through the feedback and has done its best to take the stakeholders opinions into consideration. In addition, we have been faced with a completely new situation, with the current pandemic, which can effect sports also in the long-run, and the STF has done some changes to the IFF Strategy reflecting this as well, says IFF Vice President and IFF Strategy Task Force member Filip Suman.


IFF asks for feedback for the second commentary round

The STF decided that the second submission shall be sent out for the second commentary round to the Member Associations and the IFF CB. But all other interested parties are  also welcome to provide feedback to the second submission!

Read the IFF Strategy 2nd Submission proposal! Feedback can be sent by e-mail to IFF Secretary General John Liljelund ( until September 30th 2020.

The STF will evaluate the received comments of the second commentary round in its meeting on the 12th of October. In this meeting the STF will finalise the proposal for the CB to approve in its meeting in end of October for the IFF General Assembly.

The aim with the strategy process is to create a more operational strategy for the period 2021 – 2032. The focus is on setting the future direction for the IFF and to specify the main objectives in order to grow and develop the sport on the local, national and international level.

In September 2019, the IFF Central Board (CB) appointed the Strategy Task Force consisting of IFF CB members, Member Association representatives, other stakeholders and the IFF office. The Strategy Task Force consists of: the chair Mr. Stephen King from Australia,  Mrs. Kaarina Vuori from Finland,  Mr. Filip Suman from Czech Republic, Mr. Junoh Lee, the Athlete representative from Korea, Ms. Helèn Wiklund Wårell from Sweden and Mr. Michael Zoss from Switzerland. From the IFF office Mrs. Merita Bruun and Mr. John Liljelund are also members of the Task Force.

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