Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak many of the national floorball leagues have been effected and also the upcoming IFF Events are continuously evaluated. Since the last update on March 13th, new decisions have been made in Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Sweden and the UK.

The Czech Floorball Board and the Floorball Germany Board decided to cancel their seasons on March 13th and the Finnish Federation board and UK Floorball Federation made the same decision on March 14th. In Sweden, the Swedish Superligan together with Swedish Floorball Federation, have decided to suspend the remaining SSL matches starting from March 15th. The ambition in Sweden is still to play the remaining regular season SSL matches, play-offs and Superfinal as planned. Latest by March 23rd, SSL and the Federation, will jointly make a new decision as to when the remaining matches will be played, and if and how the play-offs are to be carried out (which can be done at the earliest starting on March 28th).

Below you can find an update on the situation based on the information that the IFF has been able to find out from its members. Please note that the situation might change quickly (and that the IFF might not have all the latest information).


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled at least until Easter.


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled at least until the end of March.


  • All matches in the Floorball League of Canada have been suspended until further notice.

Czech Republic

  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled for this season.


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled at least until the end of March.


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled for at least two months (decision made on March 11th).


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled for this season.


  • All floorball events and leagues cancelled until at least May 3rd.


  • The floorball events and leagues have been cancelled for this season.


  • All floorball events are cancelled until at least April 3rd.


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled until at least April 14th.


  • All floorball events have been cancelled at least until the end of March.


  • All floorball events and leagues are cancelled for this season.


  • All floorball events and leagues have been cancelled at least until the end of March.


  • All floorball events and leagues have been cancelled at least until March 24th.


  • All floorball events and leagues have been cancelled until at least March 23rd.


  • The top leagues are suspended as of March 15th. By March 23rd a new decision will be made concerning the remaining matches.


  • All floorball leagues and events are cancelled for this season.

United Kingdom

  • English Floorball League season and 2020 National Finals cancelled.


IFF Events

Since January 2020, COVID-19 has had an impact on the IFF Events and the IFF Executive Committee had to cancel the Men’s World Floorball Championships Qualification tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, based on the fact that Thailand was not in a position to organise the event. Read more here.

Concerning the U19 World Floorball Championships in Uppsala, Sweden, the Swedish Floorball Federation board met this morning and have decided to continue monitoring the situation and follow the orders of the government and health authorities.

The IFF President, IFF Secretary General and Swedish federation Secretary General have also today discussed the situation in regards to the Women’s U19 WFC 2020. The Swedish federation are still ready to organise and host the event, and at this stage are following the guidelines of the Swedish government and health authorities. The IFF does not expect any further decisions to be taken until after 23rd March, but will publish information of any changes that do occur.


Basic protective measures against the coronavirus

The IFF closely follows the recommendations made by The World Health Organization (WHO). The IFF Medical Committee also recommends to follow the basic WHO guidelines:

  • Wash your hands frequently
    Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  • Maintain social distancing
    Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene
    Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
    Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Other International situation reports and resources:


News IFF News floorball Floorball News IFF News coronavirus
Men's U19 WFC 2025