The IFF will continue with the renewal process of the Game Rules edition 2022, when the newly formed reference group will meet on March 24th to evaluate the proposals made by the members for game rule changes that had arrived by the deadline, February 29th.

The task for the group in this meeting is to make a first evaluation of the proposals, prepare a list of rules for testing and ask for test associations.

The participants in this first meeting will be Martin Klabere (RACC Chair), Sascha Rhyner (national team coach Czech women), Lidwien Reehuis (ATC Chair), John Liljelund (IFF Secretary general), Veli Halonen (IFF Operations Manager) and Stefan Kratz (IFF Competition Manager).

– We have received some 80 proposals, many of them intended to clarify or simplify existing rules and interpretations but also some which could change the game. One example is to allow kicking the ball twice where the proposer is of the opinion that this would give a better flow to the game, another is installing the possibility to give 2+2 minutes bench penalty, Martin Klabere informs.

The next step in the rules process is to ask for test associations (deadline to apply is April 15) and ask for feedback on the proposals from the Member Associations, IFF RC, IFF RACC, IFF Athletes Commission and the IFF office on the possible changes in the game rules (deadline May 31).  The reference group will then, based on the feedback, prepare a final proposal in June and again ask for feedback (deadline August) and after this propose to the IFF RACC what changes should be done. In September the work with formalising the rule texts will start.

The complete process is found here:

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