Youth floorball in Sweden receives 2,218,933 Swedish crowns in support from Svenska Spel’s Gräsroten (Grassroot) – a new record of all time.

The money is distributed to 689 Swedish floorball clubs. KAIS Mora IF is the club that received the most support, 33,452 SEK , followed by AIK IBF with 30,484 SEK and Frötuna IBF with 29,881 SEK. Since Svenska Spel’s Gräsroten started distributing money in 2013, floorball has received more than 2 million SEK every year. But this year’s sum is record-high.

Floorball is the sport that gets the third most support money, only behind football and ice hockey.

– The Gräsroten support is very important for Endre IF. With the money from Gräsroten, we can continue to develop our broader activities through training our leaders and with dedicated resources. We also aim to start a new floorball team every year. Earlier this year, with the money received from Gräsroten, we conducted a youth training tournament on the youth side, says Carin Sjöberg, chair of Endre IF.

This is the seventh consecutive year that Svenska Spel has distributed more than 50 million SEK to youth sports in Sweden through the Gräsroten initiative. As usual, Svenska Spel’s customers themselves distribute the money by choosing one to three favourite clubs.

– Svenska Spel’s Gräsroten makes a real difference for sport clubs in the country. Through their unremitting engagement, the clubs are able to handle a lot themselves, but thanks to Gräsroten, they can do that extra that helps the sports family continue to grow as more children and young people get involved, says Stefan Bergh, Secretary General of the Swedish Sports Confederation.

About Gräsroten
Svenska Spel is cheering for Swedish sports and wants to get more people to move. That is why they give 50 million SEK to youth sports. It is the customers of AB Svenska Spel and Svenska Spel Sport & Casino AB who decide which sport clubs receive money. As a customer, you can choose to support three favourite clubs in Gräsroten. This year, 682,638 customers have enabled 8,556 clubs in 71 sports to receive support money. In addition to the 50 million SEK, all affiliated clubs also receive a guarantee amount of 1,000 SEK from Svenska Spel. This means that the total support sum this year is approximately 58,3 million SEK.

Source & more information: Swedish Floorball Federation

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