Floorball Australia has elected a new Executive Board during its Annual General Meeting held on September 31, 2018.

Incoming President, David Alexandrakis, expressed thanks to the outgoing executives, Gordon Hodges, Karen Bowden and Richard Yeoh as well as general committee member Michael Gartner, for their time, effort and dedication they have unyieldingly and voluntarily given to floorball.

David Alexandrakis was joined by Vice President, Alan Clay, Secretary, Merrin Bradford and returning Treasurer Stephen King. The general committee welcomed Steve Malone, Stephen Noney and Shaun Frazer and is rounded out by returning members Shane Abell, Jasmine Davies and Bettina Lucini.

– It’s a challenging role we have all taken on, but I have full faith in the committee and look forward to continuing the progress and building upon the successes of the previous committee, David Alexandrakis commented.

Source: www.floorballaustralia.org.au

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