Based on the 2018 statistics the number of licensed floorball players was over 361 000 in the end of 2018. The number of recreational players was close to 3,5 million globally. The IFF also received three new members during 2018 when Burkina Faso, Croatia and Rwanda joined the IFF family. By the end of the year 2018, the IFF had a total of 70 member associations (currently 72 members).

IFF Member Association growth

Licensed Players

The number of licensed floorball players has increased steadily every year since 2007. According to the information received from the IFF member associations the exact number by the end of 2018 was 361 666 compared to 354 640 licensed players in 2017. This is 1,9 % more than in 2017. In 2017 there was a more dramatic increase due to the number of Global Special Olympics licensed players (counted in for the first time).


Sweden still number one – Finland for the first time over 60 000

The number of licensed players in Sweden was 120 357 in 2018 compared to the previous year 2017 with 123 821 players. Sweden had a minor decrease of -2,8% in 2018. Finland on the other hand gained 1 594 new players and has now for the first time over 60 000 players. An increase of 2,6% compared to year 2017 (59 774 licensed players).

Most of the associations have maintained the same number of players or have grown slightly. The member associations with the most positive development in addition to Finland are Czech Republic (+1 508), Switzerland (+1 445) Denmark (+1 016), Germany (+736), Korea (+732), Poland (+701), Singapore (+438) and Venezuela (+299)

10 biggest countries according to the number of licensed players:
1. Sweden (120 357)
2. Finland (61 368)
3. Czech Republic (40 605)
4. Switzerland (33 072)
5. Germany (12 836)
6. Denmark (8 741)
7. Norway (8 152)
8. Slovakia (7 058)
9. Russia (3 499)*
10. Latvia (3494)

During 2018 Denmark has passed both Norway and Slovakia and is currently the association with the 6th most licensed players. There are different systems in different IFF member associations to calculate the number of players. In some countries there are more players, but not all of them are licensed.

* No updates received in 2018.

Recreational players

The number of recreational players is close to 3,5 million. Floorball is popular as a school sports in several countries and those numbers are visible in the statistics. According to the information received by the IFF member associations the number of recreational players in 2018 was 3 494 121 players (3 459 043 in 2017).

Floorball Clubs

The total number of floorball clubs in 2018 was 4 929 (4 728 in 2017).

The Member Association statistics for 2018 can be found here.

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