February Internationals Weekend will start already on the 30th of January when Italy W plays against Germany W. Rest of the matches will be played 3-5.2.

You can access the IFF event pages (schedule, results, statistics) from the links below.


Italy v Germany: Women (Celano, Italy)
30.01.2017 at Palazzetto dello Sport
Teams: Italy W, Germany W


12th Polish Cup: Men U19 (Nowy Tomysl, Rakoniewice & Zbaszyn, Poland)
3.-5.02.2017 at Rakoniewice Arena, Zbaszynskie Centrum Sportu & Gimnazjum Nowy Tomysl
Teams: Czech Republic MU19, Germany MU19, Norway MU19, Poland MU19, Slovakia MU19, Switzerland MU19

Czech Republic v Switzerland: Women U19 (Kraluv Dvur, Czech Republic)
3.-5.02.2017 at SH Kraluv Dvur
Teams: Czech Republic WU19, Switzerland WU19

Sweden v Finland: Women U19 & Men U19 (Skellefteå, Sweden)
4.-5.02.2017 at Balderhallen
Teams: Finland WU19 & MU19, Sweden WU19 & MU19

3-Nations: Men (Erd, Hungary)
4.-5.02.2017 at Batthyány Sportcsarnok
Teams: Hungary M, Belgium M

Finland v Czech Republic: Men & Men U23 (Turku & Helsinki, Finland)
4.02.2017 at Marli Areena, Turku
5.02.2017 at Mosahalli, Helsinki
Teams: Finland M, Finland MU23, Czech Republic M

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IFF Champions Cup Finals