Because of the late Withdrawal of India from the 8th Men’s World Floorball Championships qualification in Singapore 3rd to 7th of February 2010 the IFF Disciplinary Committee (DC) decided in its meeting on February 26th 2010 to exclude India from participation in the Men´s World Floorball Championships 2012. India is also subject to a fine of CHF 7 500.

Facts of the case: 

The organiser of the Men’s WFC qualification in Singapore had for a period of time asked (6th of January 2010) the arrival and accommodation information from the Indian team and then received the first information on the 14th of January, stating that they are not able to participate in the WFC qualifications. The IFF Competition Office directly sent the Indian federation a letter requesting an explanation and stating what the possible sanction of withdrawing from the WFC qualifications would be, in accordance with the IFF Juridical Regulations.

The IFF Competition Office received a letter on the 14th of January, in which it was stated that the Floorball Federation of India will have a meeting to discuss the situation on the 17th of January.

IFF then received on the 20th of January 2010 a letter from the Floorball Federation of India (FFI), in which the Indian federation informed that they for a number of mainly financial reasons and the lack of sponsors, have decided not to participate in the 8th Men’s World Floorball Championship 2010 qualification in Singapore from the 3rd to the 7th of February, 2010.

Decision and applicable provisions:

In accordance with the regulations namely Article 8, Sport offences, point 8. and Section 3, Disciplinary Committee, Article 42, General jurisdictions of the juridical regulations the disciplinary committee imposes the following sanction to the Floorball Federation of India;  India is excluded from participation in the Men’s World Floorball Championships 2012 and subject to a fine of CHF 7.500,-.


The IFF DC finds based on the analysis of the available material and the previous behaviour of the Floorball Federation of India, in relation to neglect of proactively informing about late withdrawal from other competitions (Canada 2009, APAC 2008), that the FFI is not to the least performing in the way that it would be obvious that they are respecting the rules of the IFF.

The fact that the FFI has decided to withdraw from the WFC 2010 and the qualification played in Singapore due to financial reasons and sponsorship, is not an acceptable reason for withdraw. There are a number of member associations where the players still pay from their own pocket for the participation to the IFF events. The IFF DC finds that the FFI has neglected to not only to inform the organiser of the WFC2010 qualifications of their travel plans, but also neglected that there will be a huge effect of their withdrawal on both the organiser and on Floorball at large. The FFI has not proactively informed that they will not participate in the WFCQ and failed to send in their withdrawal in time to avoid further sanctions, even after the IFF has informed of the possible sanctions. It is especially problematic that FFI has apart from the fact that they have now withdrawn from the WFCQ, also neglected to pay the participation fees and membership fees to the IFF, which are in relation to the IFF Juridical Regulations a reason for additional sanctions, but this is not the task of the IFF DC to deliberate this question now.

The IFF DC still finds it to the advantage of the FFI, since the final letter of withdrawal has been sent to the IFF on the 20th of January, which is just 13 days prior to the start of the tournament. The IFF DC accepts the information sent to the organiser of the WFCQ on the 14th of January, which however is just 20 days prior to the start of the tournament, as an official statement of withdrawal, in order to reduce the sanction for the FFI. The IFF DC further finds that, in order to support the development of the FFI, there is however a possibility to lower the level of the fine.

The FFI has in their letters to the IFF stated that a possible sanction might jeopardise the development of Floorball in India, as well as receiving official recognition from the authorities. This is unfortunate, but it has to be kept in mind that when you belong to an organisation, you have agreed to respect and follow the rules and regulation of that organisation.

The IFF DC finds it alarming that the FFI is of the opinion that it is fully acceptable to withdraw from a competition the FFI has entered to. The IFF DC finds this totally unacceptable, since it shows a clear disrespect of the organiser and the Rules of IFF.

The rules and regulations of the IFF are the basis we build the existence of International Floorball and all the member associations, clubs and players needs to respect these.

Appeal procedure:   

The directions for an appeal according to the IFF Juridical Regulation Article 48.

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