The Referee pair Tero Fordell and Lasse Vuola has been nominated by the IFF Referee Committee to replace the Norwegian pair, Rune Ali Zouhar & Jan Magnar Ingebrigtsli, for the Men´s U19 World Championships played in Turku and Raisio, Finland from the 6th to 10th of May 2009.

The nominated Referees:

Ricky Kronow & Jesper Juul (Denmark)
Jukka Paso & Anssi Silvo (Finland)
Tommi Järventausta & Miikka Myllykangas (Finland)
Johan Kruseman & Eelco Hoogwout (the Netherlands)
Tero Fordell & Lasse Vuola (Norway)
Sharil Ismail & Lim Dennis Chi Minh (Singapore)
Daniel Skoog & Ola Pettersson (Sweden)
Roland Servodio & Niklaus Güpfert (Switzerland)

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