In accordance with the IFF Statutes the following Nominations for IFF President and IFF Central Board have been sent in to the IFF by the IFF Member Associations, at least 60 full days before the General Assembly:

IFF President:

– Mr. Tomas Eriksson, Sweden (re-election)

IFF Central Board:

nominated by SFF
supported by FFF

– Mr. Hans Botman, the Netherlands (new)

nominated by NeFUB
– Mr. Marek Budziński, Poland (new) nominated by PFF
– Mr. William Ehmsen, Denmark (new) nominated by DaFU
– Mr. Per Jansson, Sweden (re-election) nominated by SFF
– Mr. Tomas Jonsson, Norway (re-election) nominated by NBF
– Mr. Risto Kauppinen, Finland (re-election) nominated by FFF
– Mr. Stephen King, Australia (new) nominated by AFA
– Mr. Renato Orlando, Switzerland (re-election) nominated by SUHV
– Mr. Filip Suman, Czech Republic (re-election) nominated by CFbU
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