International Floorball Federation General AssemblyIFF General Assemly 26.5.2006

The International Floorball Federation has held its General Assembly during the 6th Men’s World Floorball Championships in Sweden, where the 20 best teams participates.

The General Assembly concentrated to discuss the development and the spreading of Floorball world wide. The IFF is continuing to work with three main tasks; the development work with the Floorball Development Programme Seminars in 2006 – 2007 in Poland, the Netherlands, Singapore and Canada. The second task is the continuation of the work done in order to receive the recognition of the International Olympic Committee before the year 2008 and the third is to strengthen the marketing of IFF.

The General Assembly approved the new Statues of the IFF and by doing so it approved the Asian Oceania Floorball Confederation as the first regional confederation inside the IFF. The AOFC President Mr. Sani Mohd. Salim stated that this is a big step forward for Floorball in Asia.


The General Assembly re-elected Mr. Tomas Eriksson as president for IFF for 2006 – 2008. The new IFF Central Board was also elected:

Mona Aagaard, Denmark (new)Mona Aagaard/CB Member
Per Jansson, Sweden
Tomas Jonsson, Norway
Risto Kauppinen, Finland
Renato Orlando, Switzerland
Filip Suman, Czech Republic (new)Martin Vaculik (former CB member), Filip Suman (present CB Member)


The next IFF Events will be the WFC U19 Women 2006 in Germany, the European Cup 2007 in Sweden 2007 and the Women’s 6th World Floorball Championships in Denmark.


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