The IFF Central Board (CB) held its constitution meeting today (22.05.2004) in Zurich/Kloten.

The constitution gave the following outcome:
Tomas Eriksson, Sweden – Elected by the Congress

Vice Presidents
John Liljelund, Finland
Renato Orlando, Switzerland

Tomas Jonsson, Norway

Board members
Thomas Gilardi, Switzerland
Per Jansson, Sweden
Risto Kauppinen, Finland
Peter Lindström, Norway
Martin Vaculik, Czech Republic

Executive Committee
Tomas Eriksson, Sweden (President)
John Liljelund, Finland
Renato Orlando, Switzerland

Constituted as Committee Chairmen were:
Martin Vaculik, Czech Republic – Education and Development Committee (EDC)
Peter Lindström, Norway – Marketing and Information Committee (MIC)
Thomas Gilardi, Switzerland – Referee Committee (RC)
Renato Orlando, Switzerland – Rules and Competition Committee (RACC)

Regarding the IFF office, where a motion from the Finnish Floorball Federation to act as the home base was positively received by the IFF General Assembly on May 21 and forwarded to the IFF CB to handle, the CB appointed the IFF President Tomas Eriksson to carry out the discussions with the President of the Finnish Floorball Federation Mr. Matti Ahde.

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