Medical Committee (MC)

Dr. Walter O. Frey, Switzerland
E-mail: walterofrey(at)
Vice Chair:

Dr. Tiina Nylander, Finland
E-mail: tiina.nylander(at)

Dr. Lars Erik Bartels, Denmark
E-mail: lebartels(at)
Dr. Patricia Wallace, Australia
E-mail: patriciawallace(at)
Dr. Jonathan J. Koo, Canada
E-mail: jonathan.koo(at)
James Varecka (IFF)
The main tasks of the IFF Medical Committee members:
- Act as the IFF TUE Committee, responsible for granting TUEs
- Act as experts as the IFF is drawing up its Test Distribution Plan
- Act as experts in questions related to Doping Control and Results Management
- Act as experts for the athletes participating in the IFF events concerning medication and the Prohibited List
- Act as experts concerning the Anti-doping information and education provided by the IFF to the Member Associations and on the IFF website
- Participate in the Medical Committee meetings and decide upon the IFF´s Anti-doping activities
- Plan and distribute valid investigations concerning athletes health and sport injuries