Since 2014, in April of every year, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the anti-doping community worldwide have celebrated Play True Day a day that is dedicated to Clean Sport and is intended to raise awareness among athletes, the sporting public and others about the importance of protecting Clean Sport.

The inspiration for Play True Day stems from a WADA-hosted Education Conference in 2013, which was attended by 17 South American countries. While the celebration started as a small South American initiative, last year, the Agency’s digital and social media campaign reached over 50 million people worldwide with numerous individuals and organizations taking part from around the globe.

This year’s theme is “What does Play True mean to you?”. Therefore, WADA invites athletes, National and Regional Anti-Doping Organisations, Sports Federations, Governments, Major Event Organisers and other anti-doping stakeholders from around the world to join the Agency’s social media campaign on the 9th of April 2021.

The IFF Athletes’ Commission is taking actively part in the Play True Day 2021. In the video below, the IFF ATC members inform what Play True means to them:


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You can follow the campaign in real time via our dedicated Play True Day social media wall on WADA’s website.

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