The newly elected IFF Central Board (CB) held its first meeting, the constitution meeting on Saturday the 12th of December 2020. In addition to the constitution of the IFF CB the CB also decided to re-elect Mr. John Liljelund as the IFF Secretary General and to keep the location of the IFF head office in Helsinki, Finland, for the upcoming four-year period.

The IFF CB constituted itself as follows:


  • Mr. Tomas Eriksson, Sweden – re-elected by the IFF General Assembly 11.12.2020

Vice President

  • Mr. Filip Suman, Czech Republic (re-election)


  • Ms. Monica Birdal, Norway (re-election)

CB members (elected by the IFF General Assembly 11.12.2020)

  • Mr. Jörg Beer, Switzerland (re-election)
  • Ms. Monica Birdal, Norway (re-election)
  • Mr. Tamuz Hidir, Ukraine (new)
  • Mr. Steen Houman, Denmark (re-election)
  • Mr. Stephen King, Australia (re-election)
  • Mr. Martin Klabere, Sweden (re-election)
  • Mr. Carlos Lopez, Spain (re-election)
  • Ms. Pakkamol Siriwat, Thailand (new)
  • Mrs. Kaarina Vuori, Finland (re-election)
  • Mr. Calle Karlsson, USA (new)
  • Ms. Agata Plechan, Poland, ATC-chair (new), elected by the IFF CB

Executive Committee (ExCo)

According to the IFF Statutes (Art. 39) the CB shall elect an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Vice President and the Secretary General and two members of the CB. The IFF ExCo was elected as follows:

  • Mr. Tomas Eriksson (chair)
  • Mr. Filip Suman (member)
  • Mr. Stephen King (member)
  • Ms. Monica Birdal (member)
  • Mr. John Liljelund (member)

Constitution of the Committees and Functions in January 2021

The IFF has asked for nominations to the IFF committees to be sent in by 30th of November. The Member Associations were asked for nominations for the Medical Committee, the Rules and Competition Committee and the Referee Committee and 14 member federations nominated persons to the committees (see nominations here).

The CB decided that it would in its next meeting constitute these three and possible other committees, after a workshop discussion of what tasks and committees the IFF CB should oversee. The meeting will then also officially elect the chair and the committees. The IFF Committees will be elected during the next IFF CB meeting on the 24th of January 2021.

The minutes from the IFF CB meeting will be published soon here

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