The work to update the IFF Strategy for 2021 – 2032 has now reached its final stage when the IFF Strategy Task Force (STF) held its seventh meeting, on the 16th of November, through Teams. During this meeting, the STF went through the current layout version and the presentation to the IFF General Assembly. In addition, the recommendations for an implementation plan were discussed.

The final text version of the IFF Strategy document has been sent out to all IFF Member Associations on 9th of November. The final strategy layout will be presented for the IFF Member Associations during the IFF General Assembly on the 11th of December.

– During the meeting we discussed the recommendations for a strategy implementation plan. The strategy implementation plan is the key and all stakeholders need to be involved in the process to secure that everyone recognise the main targets and work towards reaching them. The process will also involve prioritising, Member Associations’ involvement and follow up, says IFF STF member Micheal Zoss.

The aim with the strategy process was to create a more operational strategy for the whole floorball community. The focus is on setting the future direction for the IFF and to specify the main objectives that are needed in order to grow and develop the sport on the local, national and international level.

The Strategy Task Force 2020 consists of: the chair Mr. Stephen King from Australia,  Ms. Kaarina Vuori from Finland,  Mr. Filip Suman from Czech Republic, Mr. Junoh Lee, the Athlete representative from Korea, Ms. Helèn Wiklund Wårell from Sweden and Mr. Michael Zoss from Switzerland. From the IFF office Mrs. Merita Bruun and Mr. John Liljelund are also members of the Task Force. The IFF ExCo acts as a Steering Group for the process.

The final version of the Strategy is presented to the IFF General Assembly 2020. The IFF General Assembly will be organised as a Teams meeting on the 11th of December 2020 at 8:30 CET.

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