The membership figures for 2019 show that Floorball Danmark’s increase in the number of licensed players continues. 745 new floorball players have joined since the last time the figures were collected, which gives an 8% increase. The number of licensed players of Floorball Danmark is now 10,090!

When combining both Floorball Danmark’s and the Sports Association in Denmark’s, DGI, figures, the numbers are even better. In total, there are currently 12,470 licensed floorball players in Denmark. A 15% increase from 2018. DGI is a sports association in Denmark that works to improve the conditions for more than 6.300 member sports clubs and their more than 1.5 million members.

Movement for life

Floorball Danmark has been part of the national strategy to get more people physical active, and Floorball has been one of the sports chosen.

The strategy was to have more active people in the clubs and with an increase of 66% between the ages of 25-59 and +60 on both men and women, it may well indicate that floorball is getting stuck in the Danes’ habits.

One of the places where Movement for life has had a great focus has been to address the many multi-string clubs that are around in Denmark, but which do not offer floorball. It has been a great success, where several clubs have bought a starter kit and with good help from the local floorball consultant, started the gym floorball. This can also be seen in the number of clubs offering floorball as an activity.

Today 174 clubs are members of Floorball Danmark, its an increase with 43 from 131 back in 2015 when Movement for life started.

Floorball is easy to start
It’s easy to get started with floorball.

It doesn’t require a lot, some sticks, balls and goals, and at the recreational level, we don’t need an arena with full size. At this level its more fun to play on smaller courts and with teams of 3-4 players.

– All the new clubs and players find floorball fun, easy and enjoyable to play. All you need to do is to turn up, bring your shoes, lend a floorball stick and take part in the fun at the clubs. The success is there, many want to have a fun activity, which is easy to play, and floorball is easy to play for all, the Danish IFF CB member Steen Houman, explains.

Floorball Danmark’s floorball player statistics in 2019 (Age, Men, Women, Total)


Have a look at the biggest floorball clubs in Denmark and their development 2000-2019!


Source & more information: Floorball Denmark & DGI

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