The work with the edition 2022 of the IFF Rules of the Game has started and the IFF invites all IFF member Associations and all persons in any IFF body to send in proposals on changes of the valid IFF Rules of the Game (Edition 2018).

The proposals, presented in priority order and in the format the game rules are written, with examples, shall be the IFF competition office by hand – both as a signed pdf and a word document attached to an e-mail to – not later than February 29, 2020.

A reference group shall be formed to evaluate which changes that should be applied. The group will look as follows: a responsible person from the RACC, representatives from the IFF office, a delegate from ATC and two national team coaches (Women’s and Men’s respectively). The group shall have its first meeting in March 2020 to prepare a list of rules for testing and ask for test Associations.

In the period from March until September 2020 the Member Associations, IFF RC, IFF RACC and IFF Athletes Commission can provide feedback together with the office on the possible changes in the game rules that then the Reference Group is to propose.

A small group of experts will thereafter finalise the actual texts that in the end the IFF CB will decide upon in September 2021.

Any Association that would like to test a proposed change may apply to test in their league. The dead-line to apply as test Association is 15.04.2020.

Read more of the rule change process here.

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