The 9th Women’s U19 World Floorball Championships will be held in Uppsala, Sweden from 6th-10th of May 2020.  This will be the first time that Sweden has hosted the Women’s U19 WFC. 

The event is played with 16 teams and there is no longer A-& B-division. The teams will be divided into four groups in one division based on ranking and a ballot. Groups A/B and C/D are divided according to ranking, based on the results from U19 WFC 2018. Group ballot will be held to decide the final four groups.

In Uppsala, China will compete for the first time at this level. All participating teams can be found below.

Group A and BGroup C and D
Sweden (1)*Slovakia (8)
Finland (2)Canada (13)
Czech Republic (3)Australia (14)
Poland (4)New Zealand (15)
Switzerland (5)USA (16)
Norway (6)China (-)
Germany (7)Russia (10)
Latvia (9)Austria (12)

For full tournament information visit the event website: U19 WFC 2020

News Women's U19 WFC 2020
Men's U19 WFC 2025