What started in Denmark in 2014 is proving to be success story on many levels. Since 2015 Floorball Denmark has been part of a national project which includes several major sports institutions. The project is called “Bevæg dig for livet” – “Movement for Life” and is aimed to tackle to global problem of sedentary life style as a large proportion of people are physically inactive which according the World Health Organisation is the fourth biggest risk of premature death.

The project has ambitious goals written out in the form 25-50-75. This means that by the year 2025 the aim is to have 50 % of people being member of a club and 75% being physically active.  Floorball was one the first sports to be part of the project and has now received the resources to continue with the project. Floorball Denmark now has funding for 2018-20 and they have also split their work into ambitious goals:

  • 7500 new floorball players
  • 100 new (stable) clubs
  • 70 individual development agreements
  • 6 regional networks are established where clubs can share best practices and knowledge
  • 90 introduction workshops for potential new floorball clubs

But not only do they have these great plans and work on-going, there are already strong results from the previously funded round of the project (2015-2017).

  • since 2014 the number of licensed players has already increased by 4000 players
  • from 2015 to 2018 the number of clubs have increased from 131 clubs in 2015 to 290 clubs in 2018.
  • clubs with development programmes have increased membership by over 33%


The IFF also promotes the sport of floorball being a sport for everyone, a top sport but also a sport that can be played by anyone and almost anywhere. Another proof of success in Denmark has been the introduction of three versus three games as a recreational sport (no goalies/small goals). It goes under the name of “Motionsfloorball” (fitness floorball) and it has been especially popular amongst both the senior population as well as children in the age of 5-11 where the concept is called KidzLiga. The recreational play has also been studied and it has been proved that floorball is good for health. In Denmark the Movement (for Life) is on!

Read previous IFF news about the project:
Floorball development in Denmark – movement for life 
Biggest Danish Floorball project

Source & photos: Floorball Denmark

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