Floorball player Blaise Hodges (AUS) has acknowledged to have committed an Anti-Doping rule violation of Article 2.2 of the IFF Anti-Doping Rules when using a supplement containing the prohibited substance Higenamine in July 2017.

The IFF tested Blaise Hodges twice out of competition in 2017 and both test results were negative. The IFF has worked in close cooperation with the ASADA and WADA during the process. As the tests in November 2017 returned negative, Hodges was allowed to play at the World Floorball Championships.

Based on Article of the IFF Anti-Doping Rules, “Where the Anti-Doping rule violation involves a Specified Substance, and the Athlete or other Person can establish No Significant Fault or Negligence, then the period of Ineligibility shall be, at a minimum, a reprimand and no period of Ineligibility, and at a maximum, two years of Ineligibility, depending on the Athlete’s or other Person’s degree of Fault.” In order to decide whether this article may apply; the IFF evaluated the overall circumstances of the case. The athlete used the supplement for two weeks in July 2017. The athlete had done several searches to find out if the product or any parts of it were prohibited. The results of the two unannounced out-of-competition doping tests were negative. Based on those considerations, the IFF believes that article 10.5 can apply since the athlete established no significant fault, however the athlete degree of fault is not irrelevant and therefore IFF believes that a reprimand, with no period of ineligibility, is the most appropriate sanction. The decision and the sanction have been reported to the relevant parties with the right to appeal, i.e. ASADA and WADA. The appeal deadline was 27 February, but no appeals were received.

Higenamine is a Beta-2 Agonist and since 1 January 2017 it is prohibited in- and out-of-competition. It is found in several supplements. John Liljelund, Secretary General of the IFF says:
– The IFF wants to remind all athletes about the danger of taking supplements without exactly knowing the ingredients. It is always the athlete’s responsibility to make sure that what they are taking is allowed, and actively study all information regarding prohibited substances and methods.

In an effort to aid athletes, as well as all support team members such as coaches and team managers, in understanding the rules applicable to them, IFF provides comprehensive instruction on its website on the testing process and prohibited substances, how to obtain permission to use a necessary medication, and the risks and dangers of taking supplements as well as performance-enhancing drugs. Further to this, all teams participating in major IFF events must undergo Anti-Doping education. For more information, visit: www.floorball.org/pages/EN/ANTI-DOPING-and-MEDICAL

IFF is responsible for the testing and results management process for athletes competing in the IFF Events.

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