Photo: Martin Flousek / Cesky Florbal Flickr

The September Internationals weekend was played 8th – 10th of September. The weekend included for example the FIN-SWE Challenge as well Three Nations tournament. Later in September will be the first ever international match in Africa, with Uganda and Kenya playing in Kampala.

Results below. You can access the tournaments and the statistics from the links below.

Granada International Weekend: Men & Men U19 (Granada, Spain)
8.-10.09.2017 at Complejo deportivo Nunez Blanca Zaidin
Teams: Belgium M, Belgium MU19, France M, Iceland M, Spain M, Spain MU19


1. BEL 3 3 0 0 20-9 6
2. ISL 3 2 0 1 11-14 4
3. ESP 3 1 0 2 9-10 2
4. FRA 3 0 0 3 10-17 0


Three Nations: Women U19 (Erd, Hungary)
8.-10.09.2017 at Batthyány Sportiskola
Teams: Czech Republic WU19, Hungary WU19, Slovakia WU19

08.09. 14:30 HUN WU19 – SVK WU19 4-6
09.09. 15:30 SVK WU19 – CZE WU19 3-12
10.09. 12:00 HUN WU19 – CZE WU19 3-14

Hungary v Austria: Men (Erd, Hungary)
8.-10.09.2017 at Batthyány Sportiskola

08.09. 20:30 HUN M – AUT M 5-3
09.09. 18:00 HUN M – AUT M 1-6

Sweden v Finland: Women & Men (Finland & Sweden)
8.09.2017 at Vantaan Energia Areena, Vantaa, Finland
10.09.2017 at Jalas Arena, Falun, Sweden
Teams: Finland W, Finland M, Sweden W, Sweden M

08.09. 16:00 FIN W – SWE W 2-3
08.09. 19:00 FIN M – SWE M 5-3
10.09. 12:10 SWE W – FIN W 8-5
10.09. 15:10 SWE M – FIN M 12-6

Three Nations: Men (Koceni, Latvia)
7.-10.09.2017 at Koceni Sports Complex
Teams: Estonia M, Finland MU23, Latvia M

08.09. 20:00 EST M – FIN MU23 0-6
09.09. 20:00 LAT M – FIN MU23 2-4
10.09. 14:00 LAT M – EST M 8-3

Finland WU19 v Latvia W (Finland)
7.09.2017 at Eerikkilä Sports Institute, Eerikkilä
8.09.2017 at Kirkassilmä Areena, Forssa

07.09. 19:00 FIN WU19 – LAT W 8-0
08.09. 18:00 FIN WU19 – LAT W 4-2

Three Nations: Women (Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic)
8.-10.09.2017 at MSH Mlada Boleslav
Teams: Czech Republic W, Germany W, Slovakia W

08.09. 17:00 CZE W – SVK W 7-4
09.09. 16:00 CZE W – GER W 17-2
10.09. 11:00 SVK W – GER W 13-4

Czech Republic v Slovakia: Men (Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic)
8.-9.09.2017 at MSH Mlada Boleslav

08.09. 20:15 CZE M – SVK M 9-5
09.09. 19:00 CZE M – SVK M 13-2

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Men's U19 WFC 2025