Dear Floorball Media,

First of all, I would like to thank you and welcome you to follow Floorball’s next step, The World Games 2017. As the IOC and the IWGA are following the IFF’s social media numbers, I want to encourage you to share our material that we post on social media as much as possible. Also, when you post something yourself, please use the official hashtags #TWG2017 and #Floorball.

I would like to remind you that any kind of filming of the competitions and the field of play is not allowed, not even for social media. This includes screen recording or any other recording of the live stream. However, since the IFF has acquired the right to produce tv-signal for the first three days and streams all the matches on the IFF Youtube, short (30 seconds or less) videoclips of the livestream from the IFF YouTube, can be shared during the first days (27-29.7) of the event.
NOTE! During the final day (30.7), NO videoclips can be posted. The matches are streamed on the Olympic Channel and broadcasted at the right holders tv stations, who own all rights to live videos. So No video clips are allowed to be posted on social media, or to any other platform, until ten o’clock in the evening. For example: A match is played at two o’clock and ends at four o’clock. You can’t share any videoclips of the said match until 22:00 (CET). Only still pictures can be shared!

The IFF will post highlights and other video clips normally during the first days and we of course encourage you to share them. On the Final day, we also won’t post any video clips to social media until 22:00 in the evening.

If any questions arise, please feel free to contact me on or the IFF Secretary General

Minna Nurminen
IFF Information and Anti-Doping Coordinator

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