The Swiss Floorball Association held its 22nd General Assembly (GA). Five out of six Central Board positions were confirmed during the GA.

The 22nd Swiss Floorball Association General Assembly was organised on Saturday June 25th 2016. Daniel Bareiss was re-elected as President and also Markus Bürki (Head of finance), Daniel Brunner (Head of Sports & Technology) and Jörg Beer (Head of Marketing) were re-elected to the Swiss Floorball Association Central Board (CB) for two more years.

Completing the CB are the Presidents of the Regional and National Leagues, who also take seats in the Central Board. Anton Britschgi was elected as Regional League President before the GA. Mr. Edwin Wiedmer, the former President of the National League announced in spring about his resignation and thus was not available for re-election. The position is thus vacant until further notice and the new National League President is expected to be elected at the National League Presidents´ Conference on September 3rd 2016.

Other items on the GA agenda was approving the annual reports and the financial reports of 2014 and 2015, which were approved unanimously. The Swiss Floorball Association closed 2014 with a profit of CHF 2 096 and 2015 with a profit of CHF 634.

Swiss Floorball Association CB 2016-2018
President: Daniel Bareiss
Head of finance: Markus Bürki
Head of Sports & Technology: Daniel Brunner
Head of Marketing: Jörg Beer
President of National League: vacant
President of Regional League: Anton Britschgi

The Annual reports can be found in German on issuu: The next Swiss Floorball Association General Assembly will take place on June 23rd in 2018.

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