On February 19th the Latvian Women´s national team visited the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia where the Chairman of the Sports Subcommittee, Janis Upenieks, congratulated the team for 5th place in the World Floorball Championships 2015.

Mr. Upenieks awarded the national team players, staff and the President of Latvian Floorball Union, Mr. Ilvis Petersons, with honorary rewards from the Sports Subcommittee.

The President of Latvian Floorball Union Mr. Petersons thanked Mr. Upenieks and presented the memory medal for 5th place in the 10th WFC and the national team jersey welcoming the Chairman to the upcoming Men´s WFC 2016 in Riga, Latvia.

The visit was ended up with an educational excursion in the Parliament building.

Source: www.floorball.lv

More photos: www.floorball.lv/lv/2015/jaunumi/foto-arhivs/id/4035/saeima-sveic-latvijas-sieviesu-florbola-izlasi#g

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