The German Floorball Association (Deutscher Unihockey Bund – DUB) had its annual General Assembly (Delegiertenversammlung) in Bremen during last weekend. A new Central Board was also elected during the GA.

The 24th General Assembly of the German Floorball Federation was a harmoniously meeting with a confident prospect to the following years. In retrospect DUB looks on an increase of members of 50% in the last 2 years. Nowadays DUB unifies about 5600 members.

The Central Board was elected newly for two years and without dissenting votes. It is now in full strength with six members the first time since more then seven years:

– President: Dominique Staiger
– Vice President Department I: Michael Lachenmaier
– Vice President Department II: Kai Wrobel (new)
– Vice President Department III: Mathias Liebing
– Treasurer: Tanja Teichgräber
– Secretary General: Mike Bunke (new)

The next big step DUB wants to go is to enter the German Olympic Sports Association (DOSB) in the year 2010 wherefore DUB needs a count of 10.000 members.



From left to right: Kai Wrobel, Michael Lachenmaier, Dominique Staiger,
Mike Bunke, Tanja Teichgräber. Missing: Mathias Liebing.




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