The International Floorball Federation´s IOC application has now been updated with all the latest statistics from the IFF Member Associations together with updated information about the IFF and the updated version

The IFF General Assembly is decided in its meeting held the 26th of May 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden, that one of the major goals of the IFF in the next two years is to receive the IOC recognition by the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Today the IFF has taken a big step in towards this direction by sending in the application for official recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The number of member countries in the International Floorball Federation has gown steadily, the latest members being Argentina and Thailand and the IFF will reach the 50 member milestone still during 2008. IFF is an ordinary member of GAISF (General Association of International Sport Associations) and cooperates with both FISU (The International University Sports Federation) and EMSA (European Masters Sports Association)

“Since the International Floorball was founded in 1986 by the Finnish, Swedish and Swiss Association, the development of the sport has been amazing. Floorball is today played in over 60 countries in the world and still growing rapidly, being one of the fastest growing sports in a number of countries, due to the easiness to start playing and the speed of the game.” Mr. Tomas Eriksson, IFF President, says.

Floorball has a total of nearly 300,000 licensed players and a total of 2 million recreational players in the world. Floorball also meets the requirements of attracting the youth, being a well organised sport and attracting equally men and women.

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