With beginning of the year 2007 two new state associations have joined the German Floorball Association/Deutscher Unihockey Bund (DUB) e.V. covering their clubs within their federal states.

With these new members DUB has now 9 state associations representing the floorball activities of 10 from a maximum of 16 federal states. Two more state associations in the federal states of Hessen and Freistaat Bayern are expected to be founded this year for also joining DUB thereafter.

All state associations are in good cooperation with DUB central board due to the informal installation of the Bundesrat representing these federations. Meetings and talks are mainly carried out with the presidents of these states associations by voice conferencing (telephone, VoIP, etc.) on a regular basis.

Development work

The Deutscher Unihockey Bund (DUB) e.V. is from the beginning of this year in a process to restructure and enhance its development work supported by IFF. A new committee (Entwicklungskommission) within DUB was founded for this purpose and Germany was sub-divided in for development regions for effectively spreading floorball the next years: North, West, South and East.

Each region will have a regional project manager who is fully responsible for the development work (recruiting staff, controlling financial matters, reporting to the development manager, etc.) in his respective area. Project manager and regional project managers are members of the development committee and report directly to the central board of DUB.

The aforementioned regions cover the following federal states in Germany:

North: Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein
West: Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland
South: Baden-Württemberg and Bayern
East: Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen

This development committee has the task to realize the DUB development plan as a first milestone to gain recognition and membership within the next five years of the national Olympic sports association Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund (DOSB) e.V. For reaching this first goal DUB needs to have at least 10.000 members for applying membership in DOSB.


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