It was exactly 20 years ago the International Floorball Federation was founded during the Swedish Championship Finals in Huskvarna 1986. The IFF was founded by the Floorball associations of Finland, Sweden and Switzerland on the 12th of April 1986.

Much has happened since then and the IFF today consists of 37 Member Associations with 25 members in Europe, seven in Asia, two in Oceania and three in America. Floorball is now one of the fastest growing sports in Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland and Floorball is also expanding very fast in Middle- and Eastern Europe and Asia.

The IFF now stresses three main fields of activity: the Political work in the International Sports community, the strengthening of the Marketing of IFF and the continuance of the Floorball Development Program, in order to develop the quality of the IFF Member Associations.

The IFF:s goal is to become an internationally recognised sport with over 50 member countries, to have participated in one or more international multi-sport events like World Games or the Universiades and to be officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee during the year 2008. The main focus now is to gain 50 Member Associations, which is required for being recognised by the IOC.

– I feel very confident in our Vision and set missions in order to be an Olympic Sport, says IFF President Mr. Tomas Eriksson. The laid down programs are well on their way in order to meet our objectives. Our growth is exceptional on the international sports scene, attracting in particular the youth, the spectators and the media, states Mr. Eriksson.

Here are some important dates from the IFF History:

The International Floorball Federation was founded in Huskvarna.

The first official IFF Congress was held in Zürich, Switzerland.
Hungary joined the IFF family.

The first European Cup was played in Helsinki for Women and in Stockholm for Men.
Czech Republic and Russia joined the IFF family.

The first European Championships for Men was played in Finland.
Estonia, Germany, Japan, Latvia and USA joined the IFF family.

The first European Championships for Women and the second for Men were played in Switzerland. To give Japan the possibility to take part IFF decided that the tournaments should be played as an Open European Championships.
Belgium and Singapore joined the IFF family.

The first World Championships for Men was played in Sweden. The final was sold out -15.106 spectators in Stockholm Globe Arena. Australia joined the IFF family.

The first World Championships for Women was played in Åland, Finland and the first Presidents´ Meeting was held in connection with this. Austria, Great Britain and Poland joined the IFF family.

IFF gained provisional membership of GAISF
(General Association of International Sports Federations).

The first World Championships for Men U19 was played in Germany.
Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Canada and New Zealand joined the IFF family.

The first World University Championships in floorball was played in Sweden.
Malaysia, India and Georgia joined the IFF family.

IFF applied for IOC recognition.
France joined the IFF family.

Pakistan joined the IFF family.
IFF gained ordinary membership of GAISF on May 20.

Korea, Ukraine, Liechtenstein and Iceland joined the IFF family.

Mongolia joined the IFF family.

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