The Central Board discussed thoroughly at its meeting in Zürich on January 8, 2005, upon proposal by the RACC and the RC the new rules applicable from July 1, 2006. The timetable is followed, meaning that those associations who were given the task to test certain rules have done this during the season, and are handing in their reports by February 15.

The evaluation process in in progress, and at this time all tests carried out by the test associations are being evaluated by the RACC and its special rules group headed by Mr. Martin Johansson. The new rules book is implemented, according to plan, and in full force from July 1, 2006.

However, should the tests be positive concerning the “no pass to the goalkeeper”, the CB was of the standpoint that this particular rule could be implemented already for the EC resp. WFC 2006.

The final decision will be taken by the CB at its meeting in Prague on April 9-10, 2005, and therefore the IFF wants already at this stage give all associations of IFF this information if the above would be the case.

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